Look out for these 5 things as they are sure to ruin your
chances of leading a long and prosperous career.
Over-promising and under-delivering.
There are four reasons why we make promises; to create obligation, to regulate and direct behaviour, to reduce uncertainty and to build trust. When you say “sure, I can have that to you in two hours”, after two hours what you both knew wouldn’t be done, isn’t done.
How long has it been since you proactively learned a new
skill, reached out to your networking contacts, or even polished up your
Fear of change.
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and
the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. – H. P. Lovecraft
A driven employee will manage their fear and look for
avenues to adjust and thrive in a new environment.
Sucking up to your boss. It’s sneaky and unproductive.
There is no substitute for merit.
Having an inflatable ego.
Have you ever worked with someone who had a string of
successes and started thinking that they were the be-all and end-all of
superstardom? It’s never a good thing.
Check out Talent Propeller Jobs for more Tips and Advice