It takes less
than three seconds for an interviewer to form an impression of us.
That means, sometimes no matter how experienced or skilled
you are or how perfect your interview technique is, It would be remiss of you
to forget what you decided to wear to an interview.
We have devised a 5 step plan for interview success the next
time you make it to that promising stage.
1. What will the
interviewers are wearing?
Regardless of whether you like to dress preppy or like a
punk rocker, when you are with a potential employer you don’t want to look out
of place.
Imagine rocking up in a suit and everyone else is wearing a
T-Shirt and jeans, it’ll probably make you feel really uncomfortable, and more
importantly it will signify you have no understanding of the company culture.
Check out your potential employer’s website or LinkedIn
profiles, take a look at what they are wearing. This should give you a
reasonable understanding on what to wear.
2. Keep it
When you are going into an interview the interviewer is
looking for someone is the package, someone who has it together. What this
means in terms of your outfit is that all the elements need to add up.
Avoid wearing more than 2 to 3 colours. This is probably the
key way to keeping an outfit together.
You don’t want to show up looking like a tragic rainbow.
Also don’t skimp on accessories, your bag umbrella AND SOCKS
are all part of the outfit. Make sure these all go with your look. You don’t
want odd pink and orange polka-dot socks running the entire situation.
3. Layer up
Always wear at least two layers; a shirt and a jacket. You
never know what the temperature is going to be like. What if it’s in a freezing
cold air conditioned board room and you’re wearing a silk blouse. Make sure
you’re prepared so the environment doesn’t distract you.
4. Iron!
It’s all about the details people! Ladies, check out those
nails, guys do the same but make sure you iron your shirt and pants the day
before! Remember its about communicating to employers why you are the most
suitable person for the job, so if you can remove as many distractions as
possible you’re on the best track to being able to do this.
5. Don’t wear
something you haven’t worn before
You want to feel confident and comfortable. Which means you
shouldn’t wear anything you haven’t worn before.