Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Are you overqualified or underqualified

Time and time again we get people applying for jobs who have experience and qualifications that they believe are perfect for the positions they are applying for.  

However employer feedback repeatedly suggests they are either too qualified or under qualified for the position.

A prospective employer may decline your application on the basis that you are ‘too overqualified’ for the role. When at the same time another employer may decide the calibre of candidates was incredibly high and that someone else was more suitable for the positon.

Either way you simply don’t ‘fit.’

The truth is, if you keep getting told you are overqualified or under qualified then you obviously aren’t hitting the sweet spot of the business you are applying for.
What we mean by this, is that you need to understand what you are good at, what you love to do and most importantly, how can you help this business or ease ‘business pain’.
The moment you start asking yourself ‘how can I add value to this business’, rather than just work at this business, the more useful and contextualized your qualifications and experience are.

Not only will this make you more appealing to hiring managers who are looking at your application or profile, it will help them to position you in their mind.  
It’s important that employers can see your skills and aptitude. Not only does it make you stand out, but it helps them to have confidence you have what it takes to do the job. With every application on Talent Propeller Jobs, you can also submit a free skills test. This lets employers see you can actually do the job.